I have always enjoyed reading. During my students days in London I could easily add 70 plus books a year. It did help to work as a part-time barista for one of the larger bookstores. A perfect fit. Decent coffee and good books. These days, most of my reading is done online, something my Twitter stream reflects.

When asked about what I love about my job I normally say it is that I get to learn something new all the time. Meeting new people. Seeing new places. Doing something different. No assignment is never really the same. That’s what I tell myself. To start fresh. Each time.

Standing outside the gates at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases I didn’t know what I was going to learn, however, I knew I would be walking away with more knowledge than I arrived with. I was there to document the research programme funded by the Wellcome Trust.  It was a different place. Past and present, life and death, young and old. Contrasts.

Mural of red-headed cranes in the courtyard

Hospital for Tropical Diseases.

Shrine at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases.

Playing volleyball in the grounds of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases.

Entrance to the Viet Anh Ward.

Interior Viet-Anh Ward.

Patient visit.

Lead by example. One of my favorites from the assignment.

Health check.

OUCRU stairway.

Work in progress.


Serotyping shigella in the microbiology lab.

Working on biochemical identification of bacteria.

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